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Dosbarthiadau grŵp

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Hoffech chi gael y cyfle i wneud eich gemwaith eich hun neu anrheg i rywun annwyl â llaw? Gan ddefnyddio amrywiaeth o dechnegau a sgiliau newydd byddwn yn eich cefnogi i grefftio darn o emwaith pwrpasol â llaw.


Bydd dosbarthiadau'n cael eu cyfyngu i nifer llai er mwyn caniatáu i bob person gael yr amser a'r gefnogaeth sydd eu hangen arnynt. Bydd dyddiadau a lleoliadau'n cael eu diweddaru'n fuan gyda dosbarthiadau ychwanegol yn cael eu hychwanegu os oes angen.


Mae ein dyddiadau 2024 yn dod yn fuan....

Wrap ring work shop
£50 – 3 hours


Join us in creating a personalised stamped wrap ring. Wrap rings are great for personalising with messages or beautiful textures and are easy to resize to suit different fingers.


Participate in our 2.5 hour workshop where you will have the opportunity to design and craft your own wrap ring from 5mm sterling silver. Whether you are a novice or have some experience in jewellery making, this workshop caters to individuals of all skill levels.


We will lead you through each stage of the process, ensuring that you leave with a beautifully personalised wrap ring for you to treasure.


Gweithdy band priodas

Gwnewch eich bandiau priodas hyd yn oed yn fwy arbennig, trwy eu creu eich hunain. 


Gweithdy personol a phersonol lle gallwch chi weithio gyda'r metel yn uniongyrchol. Dysgu sut i lifio, siapio, sodro, sgleinio a gorffen band priodas hardd.


Unwaith y bydd eich modrwyau wedi'u gwneud â llaw wedi'u cwblhau, gellir eu hanfon i Swyddfa Assay Birmingham (mae'r gost hon wedi'i chynnwys yn y pris).


Mae'r gweithdy hwn yn caniatáu i ddau fodrwy gael eu gwneud gan naill ai 1 neu 2 berson mewn arian neu aur. Chi sydd i benderfynu ar y metel a ddewiswch a'r gwead / dyluniad a bydd penderfyniad yn cael ei wneud ymlaen llaw. Cynhelir y gweithdy dros 3-4 awr naill ai yng Nghaerdydd neu Ben-y-bont ar Ogwr.


Mae prisiau'n dechrau o £160

Stacker Bangle workshop £90 – 4 hours


Come and try your hand at creating your very own collection of silver stacking bangle. These bangles are slim and light, making them easy to stack together. Stackable bangles offer great flexibility and their simplicity allows them to be worn alongside other jewellery and with any outfit.


Participate in our 3 hour workshop where you will have the opportunity to design and craft your own set of bangles. You will have enough 2mm wire to create 3 bangles and learn some fantastic new skills. 


While having some prior knowledge of soldering could be beneficial, it is not a requirement. We will lead you through each stage of the process, ensuring that you leave with a stunning set of bangles that you will cherish for years to come.



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